Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How Do You Clear Your Mind?

My thoughts are extremely scattered tonight. I think the only time I was able to turn off my brain was during Yoga in the Park (with my Start Experiment partner!)

It's too bad I can't do yoga all day and night!

Here is a snippet of my brain today:
  • Wedding dress
  • Why is everyone complaining about the royal baby?
  • Why aren't you working, you stupid piece of internet crap?
  • Must do my Start Experiment task!
  • Why don't people refill the printer with paper after they've used it all up?
  • Wedding venue
  • Please stay in your own cubicle
  • Oh hey there, self-doubting thoughts, thanks for eating my brain today!

Does anyone else ever feel like their brain is a TV station that airs nothing but 30 second commercials? What do you do to make it stop?

I have a calendar. I have a notebook. I write things down, I make lists....sometimes they just don't help clear my head.

Aside from a shot of whiskey, what things do you all do to make your brain shut up?

1 comment:

  1. Planning a wedding on top of living your dreams and taking steps forward will make your head spin. Take some time to be in nature, or take yoga, or do something that allows you to relax. Rest is so important and we often forget to do it.
